Our Story

When Tinder's algorithm matched Skylar and Alyssa in the summer of 2020, little did they know they'd found their forever adventure buddy and best friend. Thank you Tinder! What started with shared Spotify playlists and bike rides quickly blossomed into the kind of love that makes you pack up your life and move to Tacoma (which is exactly what Alyssa did when Skylar stole her heart). Now these two best friends spend their days building their dream life: pedaling vintage bikes around Tacoma, tending to an ever-growing jungle of houseplants, hunting for treasures at estate sales, throwing legendary parties with their ride-or-die friend group, and spoiling their feline overlord, Nomi. Their home is full of unique art and vintage finds (including the retro glassware you'll take home as a wedding favor!) Post-wedding, they'll be embarking on their dream honeymoon to Japan before returning to house-hunt in Tacoma, where they plan to continue their greatest adventure yet—building a life that's equal parts cozy home, wild exploration, and overwhelming joy, surrounded by the friends and family who mean everything to them.

Alyssa Hammond

Alyssa Hammond was born in Trenton, New Jersey, she made Seattle her home in 2014 before Skylar's heart lured her to Tacoma. By day, Alyssa works her magic at Sound Retina, where she assists surgeons with in-office procedures and lasers, bringing warmth and comfort to her mostly elderly patients. Raised by her mother Victoria Russo alongside siblings Robert, Preslei, and step-sister Tayler, all still residing in Jersey. Alyssa's family roots run deep—and her role as aunt to niece Lyla is one she cherishes deeply. When it comes to relationships, Alyssa invests herself fully, whether with her tight-knit friend group or with Skylar, whose humor initially captured her heart. Ask her about her soon-to-be husband and she'll tell you he's the kindest soul she knows, appreciating his emotional depth and yes, even his occasional dramatic flair.

Skylar Robert Miner

Skylar Miner is Tacoma born and raised. When he's not managing projects at Blue Origin, you'll find him in his element: wrenching on vintage bicycles, painting cars to perfection, or tinkering with anything mechanical alongside his crew of friends. His mother, Kate Miner, lives in Tacoma, and his father, Frank Miner, lives in Puyallup. What captivated him about Alyssa? Her radiant smile that lights up a room, her unwavering empathy, her magnetic ability to draw people in, and her refreshing honesty—no filter, just pure Alyssa. Together with their cat Nomi and an impressive collection of plants, vintage treasures, and devoted friends, Skylar's building his most rewarding project yet: a life with his best friend and adventure partner.

The Wedding Party

Chris Grant. A little information about Chris, etc…

Best Man

Flower Girl

Frankie Swift. A little information about Frankie, etc…

Preslei Pittman, is Alyssa's younger sister by 13 years and works as an aesthetician in New Jersey. Despite their significant age gap, Alyssa treasures her role as a mentor to Preslei and enjoys spending time together whenever they can.

Maid of Honor

Marissa Cianculli. A little information about Marissa, etc…

Bride’s Maid


Tayler Lee. A little information about Tayler, etc…

Mary Pacha. A little information about Mary, etc…

Bride’s Maid

Jake Hupp. A little information about Jake, etc…


Jessica Huonder. A little information about Jessica, etc…

Bride’s Maid

Ben Rinehart. A little information about Ben, etc…


Kasey Curtin. A little information about Kasey, etc…

Bride’s Maid

Tyler Thomas, better known as Stats A little information about Tyler, etc…


Emily Rhinehart. A little information about Emily, etc…

Bride’s Maid

Tommy Swift. A little information about Tom, etc…


Brigit Chase. A little information about Brigit, etc…

Bride’s Maid

Justin Martinez. A little information about Justin, etc…


Carl Aichele. A little information about Carl, etc…


Many thanks to All our Family and Friends!

This day could not take place without YOU!